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Twin Peaks Sunset Rotary celebrates first anniversary

To celebrate their first anniversary, Sunset Rotarians will wrap donated books
Chair Ryanne Riddle and Twin Peaks Rotarian Rick Samson

The Twin Peaks Sunset Rotary will celebrate its first anniversary on Dec. 14. 

The Sunset Rotary is a subset of the Twin Peaks Rotary Club that formed out of a joint need for an evening choice of meetings. The evening club also has a more affordable entry fee and meets only twice a month. Those meetings include a planning meeting and a service project.

“ This evening club makes it possible for me to be a Rotarian. I could never leave work to attend a meeting (I am a teacher), and I want to be part of volunteering and making a difference in our community,” said Sunset member Aarika Gearing Capra.

So far, members of the club have served the community by packing bags for the Colorado Friendship IncrEdibles project, volunteering at the OUR Center, decorating bags for “There With Care,” cleaning up the St. Vrain Creek at the Dickens Farm Nature Area and assisting with the annual Chuck Wagon Breakfast held downtown.

To celebrate their first anniversary, Sunset Rotarians will wrap donated books that will be given to the Wild Plum Center for Young Children and the YMCA Childcare Center.