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Longmont City Council Approves New Utility Rates

The following are tables that show the rates for different utility services and structures for both water and electric utility services.
Lineworker (photo from LPC Facebook)

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

On Tuesday, December 3, Longmont City Council adopted rate changes to both water and electric utilities after a second reading of the ordinance.

The following are tables that show the rates for different utility services and structures for both water and electric utility services.

The water utility rates are on a 5-year schedule for 2020-2024. The increase is established to pay for "continued operation of the water utility and implementation of the proposed capital plan," according to city council communication.

Water rate increases are as follows and are measured in 100 gallon increments:

Single Family and duplex metered residential service

Inside the city
Gallons2020 (per 1K gallons)2021 (per 1K gallons) 2022 (per 1K gallons) 2023 (per 1K gallons) 2024 (per 1K gallons)
Over 35,000$8.74$9.53$10.19$10.81$11.23
Outside the city
0-5,000 $4.86$5.30$5.67$6.00$6.24
5,001-15,000 $7.04$7.68$8.21$8.70$9.05
15,001-35,000 $9.53$10.38$11.10$11.76$12.23
Over 35,000 $13.11$14.30$15.29$16.22$16.85

Multi-family residential users (defined as three or more dwelling units served by a single metered service for all units)

2020 (per 1K gallons) 2021 (per 1K gallons) 2022 (per 1K gallons) 2023 (per 1K gallons) 2024 (per 1K gallons)
Inside city$3.87$4.22$4.51$4.74$4.87
Outside city$5.81$6.33$6.77$7.11$7.31

Small commercial, mixed use, and Vance Brand Municipal Airport

2020 (per 1K gallons) 2021 (per 1K gallons) 2022 (per 1K gallons) 2023 (per 1K gallons) 2024 (per 1K gallons)
Inside city$4.07$4.43$4.74$4.98$5.16
Outside city$6.11$6.65$7.11$7.47$7.74

Landscape Irrigation (for outdoor irrigation purposes, not providing domestic water or connection to wastewater collection system)

2020 (per 1K gallons) 2021 (per 1K gallons) 2022 (per 1K gallons) 2023 (per 1K gallons) 2024 (per 1K gallons)
Inside city$5.22$5.69$6.09$6.39$6.55
Outside city$7.83$8.54$9.14$9.59$9.83

Monthly service charge according to meter size

Inside City
Meter Size (inches) 20202021202220232024
Inside city
5/8 x 3/4 $7.25 $7.88$8.30$8.73$9.13
Outside city
5/8 x 3/4 $10.88$11.82$12.45$13.10$13.70

Lyon's Contract

2020 (per 1,000 gallons) 2021 (per 1,000 gallons) 2022 (per 1,000 gallons) 2023 (per 1,000 gallons) 2024 (per 1,000 gallons)
Lyon's Contract Rate$2.04$2.24$2.44$2.66$2.86

These rates will go into effect on January 1, 2020. The rates listed for 2024 will continue until changed by Longmont City Council.

Electric rates also increase in 2020, however, it is on the 2-year rate schedule. The electric rate increase supports the "continued operation of the electric utility and implementation of the proposed capital plan," according to city council communication.

The rate increases are as follows:

Residential Energy Rates (monthly)

1. Customer charge $14.25 $16.40
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
a. 0—750 kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0823 $0.0846
b. 751—1,500 kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0969 $0.0997
c. 1,501 kWh and above consumed, per kWh $ 0.1260 $0.1295
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
a. 0—750 kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0748 $0.0769
b. 751—1,500 kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0881 $0.0906
c. 1,501 kWh and above consumed, per kWh $0.1145 $0.1177

Residential demand rate

1. Customer charge $ 14.25 $16.40
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
All kWh consumed, per kWh $ 0.0514 $0.0516
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
All kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0467 $0.0469
4. Demand Charge - Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
Maximum kW, per kW $ 7.21 $8.25
5. Demand Charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
Maximum kW, per kW $6.55 $7.50

Residential self-generation rate (RGEN)

1. Customer/distribution system charge $21.60 $21.60
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
a. All kWh consumed per kWh, below the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $ 0.0787 $0.0842
b. All kWh consumed, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $0.0823 $0.0846
c. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0787 $0.0842
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
a. All kWh consumed per kWh, below the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $0.0715 $0.0765
b. All kWh consumed, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $0.0748 $0.0769
c. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0715 $0.0765

In the event that RGEN customers reach negative net consumption, a credit will be applied to their utility bill. At the end of the calendar year, if a negative balance remains, customers will receive a credit for the energy at the rates listed in the table above.

Commercial energy rate (CE)

This rate applies to nonresidential meters with less than 50 kW demand per month.
1. Customer charge $ 21.00 $27.00
2. Energy charge– Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September:
All kWh consumed per kWh $ 0.0872 $0.0873
3. Energy charge – Nonsummer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December:
All kWh consumed per kWh $ 0.0793 $ 0.0794

Commercial energy self-generation rate (CEGE)

1. Customer/distribution system charge $ 39.63 $39.63
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
a. All kWh consumed per kWh, below the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $ 0.0771 $0.0772
b. All kWh consumed, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $ 0.0872 $0.0873
c. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0771 $0.0772
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
a. All kWh consumed per kWh, below the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $0.0701 $0.0702
b. All kWh consumed, per kWh, above the average monthly kWh consumption in the previous calendar year for the customer's standard rate class $0.0793 $0.0794
c. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0701 $0.0702

Commercial demand rate

This rate applies to nonresidential meters reading over 50kW a month.
1. Customer charge $ 108.00 $128.00
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September: All kWh consumed, per kWh
All kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0479 $0.0518
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
All kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0435 $0.0471
4. Demand charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
Maximum kW, per kW $13.97 $14.91
5. Demand charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
Maximum kW, per kW $12.70 $13.55

Commercial demand self-generation rate (CDGE)

1. Customer/distribution system charge $ 108.00 $128.00
2. Energy charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
a. All kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0479 $0.0518
b. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0479 $0.0518
3. Energy charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
a. All kWh consumed, per kWh $0.0435 $0.0471
b. Generation Credit – All kWh, per kWh for energy produced by the customer’s generation system that flows onto the utility’s distribution system $0.0435 $0.0471
4. Demand charge – Summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of June, July, August and September
Maximum kW, per kW $13.97 $14.91
5. Demand charge – Non-summer. For billings based on meter reading in the months of January through May and October through December
Maximum kW, per kW $12.70 $13.55

There is an electric rate and service charge that includes an 8.64 percent franchise fee that is paid to the City of Longmont General Fund. The rates above will remain in effect until they are changed by City Council.

The monthly discount for residents that have qualified for a low-income senior or disabled discount on or before December 31, 2018 has changed from $4.00 a month to $6 in 2020 and $8 in 2021. This discount will be applied to each bill after the application is complete and has been processed by the city.

Applicants in 2019 and in the future will receive a rebate on the previous year's utility bills in one rebate each year. This rebate is combined with other rebates offered by the City of Longmont for qualifying participants.