This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Forecast Discussion:
Figure 1 shows our first thunder-maker moving through at 5:30p Monday. It wasn't a lot of water, but it was nice to hear.
By the time most read this, it will be Tuesday morning, but I'll release this Monday night to give the latest on the snowfall forecast. We might see a morning coating of snow from this minor system (Figure 2). The front is just south and east of Denver at 6pm Monday (Figure 3).
Midday today (Tuesday), the front will be down into Texas and New Mexico, but some post front precipitation is still possible in the easterly flow behind the front (Figure 4). This is also being aided by a short wave moving over today (the red line to the northwest of Colorado Tuesday AM in the 500mb map-Figure 5). I have to admit, with the split jet stream flow - that is a messy, confusing map!
By this evening (Figure 6), some showers and higher elevation snow chances continue. They won't be gully-washers. They will be more like wandering showers.
The longer range forecast:
Things simplify in the upper atmosphere later this week as a big ridge moves into place. Warm spring like weather will become the rule. More later!