In Brief:
Abnormally warm weather and abnormally dry weather continues.
Tuesday update:
Things continue abnormally dry and fantastically warm (it would be in the 120'sF if this were the peak of summer). There IS a hint of a snowstorm arriving Tuesday to set our new latest snowall and longest snow-free period at DIA. More later!
End Tuesday Update.
Forecast Discussion:
Sorry, we still don't have rain or snow coming for the I-25 corridor. Temperatures will remain about 20 to 25 degrees above normal (Figure 1). No significant precipitation is expected over the next 7 days (Figure 1). This is due to a persistent western U.S. ridge (blue line in Figure 2).
The Long Range Forecast:
The ridge is still somewhat dominant even a week out (Figure 3). The western slopes should get some precipitation (Figure 4) and snow (Figure 5). Not much is expected along I-25 for the next 10 days.