This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
The St. Vrain Valley School Board approved a new preschool playground for Indian Peaks Elementary School, located in Longmont.
The bid was awarded to Colorado Designscapes Inc. for the amount of $204,600 including contingency.
According to school board communication, "The existing preschool playground at Indian Peaks Elementary School is outdated with respect to current preschool codes. This project replaces and expands the current playground, addressing the issues and improving the area to meet current codes and District standards."
The school board also approved Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Brian Lamer, "to sign contract documents and initiate scope changes up to the approved amounts in accordance with Board of Education policy."
This project is funded from the Early Childhood Education Mill Levy.
Bids were received on April 5, 2018 per ITB #2018-053 and can be seen below.