Key points:
- Boulder County Housing & Human Services is hosting a virtual information session and Q&A (registration required) on March 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm on the end of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Maximum benefits and the reinstatement of Medicaid re-certifications.
- The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid have been de-coupled by the federal government from the Public Health Emergency, and these changes will impact many families and individuals in our communities through loss of health coverage or reductions in food assistance.
- Some Medicaid participants may need to transition to other health coverage over the coming year.
- SNAP participants will see a reduction in food assistance benefits averaging $90 per month per person enrolled and can consider applying for or seeking other services and supports.
- SNAP and Medicaid enrollees are encouraged to attend the information session, as are community partners who serve those in need in Boulder County.
The Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services will host a community information and question-and-answer session on the end of SNAP Maximum benefits and the reinstatement of Medicaid re-certifications. Both of these programs have been de-coupled by the federal government from the Public Health Emergency, and these changes will impact many Boulder County families and individuals through reductions in food assistance supports and loss of health coverage.
The information session is scheduled for March 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will be conducted via a virtual meeting on the Zoom platform in English with Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation available. Presentations will include details on the impacts of the program changes, how to prepare for them, and other supports that are available to help fill gaps created by these changes. Information will be shared by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, Boulder County Housing and Human Services, and other partner organizations.
To ensure Boulder County can keep in touch with attendees following the information session, registration in advance is required by visiting Attendees can also submit questions in advance through the registration form. The meeting will also be recorded and available at a later date.
More information about the information session and changes to the SNAP and Medicaid programs is available at
SNAP recipients or applicants can now also receive real-time information about benefits, case status, and general SNAP updates by calling 800-816-4451.
For a list of food-related resources in Boulder County, please visit
For Medicaid participants, it is important to:
- Ensure your contact information is up to date by visiting
- Complete your renewal packet and return it by the deadline listed within the renewal communication. The renewal packet will be sent electronically or through the mail in an envelope with red lettering reading- “URGENT – PLEASE REPLY” – to indicate the importance of the required, time-sensitive member action. For more information and videos in English and Spanish about the renewal process, please visit
About Boulder County Housing and Human Services: The Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services (BCDHHS) is a 500-person integrated services organization that focuses on connecting individuals and multiple generations of families with a full spectrum of supports. Over an average 12 months during typical times, BCDHHS connects more than 90,000 people with a wide range of wrap-around services, including food, housing, health coverage, childcare, safety, education and skill building, parenting supports, and much more. Visit and follow Boulder County Housing and Human Services via social media ( and to learn more about BCDHHS’ prevention-based wrap-around community supports and services.