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NextLight adds "at-a-glance" comparison label

The label helps customers understand what they are getting from service providers.

NextLight released a broadbrand label this week to make it easier for customers to compare service providers.

The release of the label came after the federal government made a rule that requires all internet providers to display information about their broadband services in an easy-to-read model to make it easier for consumers to compare and hold service providers accountable. 

The informational labels are modeled after nutritional labels found on packaged food items. The label outlines basic offerings, prices, fees, typical speeds and any contract requirements. 

The new ruling required internet providers with more than 100,000 customers to begin using labels in April. Smaller companies were given until October to implement the practice. 

“From the start, Longmont residents have known they can trust NextLight to be upfront about what they’ll pay and what they’ll get, and this is just a reinforcement of that promise,” said Valerie Dodd, NextLight’s executive director. “No hidden fees. No ‘gotchas.’ Just the high-speed, high-quality internet that our community expects and deserves.”

According to the Federal Communications Commission, the labels must be displayed at any point of sale, including online and in stores. The labels must also include information about network management practices and privacy policies.  A glossary is available to help customers understand the information they find on the labels.

“There aren’t any contracts or data caps to confuse things and sneak in extra costs,” Dodd said. “With NextLight, what you see is what you get … and we work hard to make sure that what you get is awesome.”