All Roads homeless shelter in Boulder announced Thursday that it will be reducing its bed capacity from 180 down to 160 starting April 21. Boulder Reporting Lab reported that Boulder County informed nonprofits in October that their funding will be reduced for the coming fiscal year due to a budget deficit.
The Community Partnership Grant program received $12.3 million in fiscal year 2024 to fund nonprofits that provide emergency shelter, mental health care, and food assistance. The 2025 budget has been reduced by 36 percent, down to $7.9 million.
All Roads received $900,000 from the program in 2024 and that has been reduced to $653,500 — a 30-percent reduction. All Roads’ Chief Development and Communications Officer Andy Schultheiss told Boulder Reporting Lab in October that starting in 2023, All Roads started seeing an explosion of people trying to get beds at the shelter. “The timing is really bad because we are starting to make some progress in getting people off the streets,” he said.
All Roads increased its bed capacity to 180 early last year. The organization hopes to restore the shelter back to full capacity by next winter, but it will require increased funding and new revenue sources. The shelter accepts donations of money, food, goods, and items listed on an Amazon wish list.
The shelter website says an average of 169 people stayed each night during the 2024 calendar year. In addition, the shelter helped 413 people gain or maintain permanent housing and served 107,318 meals in 2024.
There were 727 known homeless individuals in Boulder County last year, a decrease from 839 known homeless people in 2023. The shelter turned away a four-year record of 27 people on November 6 due to a lack of available beds.