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LTE: Balance like an airplane needs a right and left wing

"The Pledge of Allegiance is not taught in our schools but replaced with other allegiances."

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The present state Democratic leadership has proven itself to follow what the national party has mandated which is rapidly moving us to destruction.

Inflation? Yes. The fault of oil companies? No.

It's the fault of our government spending, shutting down oil production, pipelines and refinery capacities.  There is a freeze on oil leasing, taking oil from reserves, disrupting supply chains and fertilizer production. 

They forced mandating vaccination to truckers and workers or lose their jobs, mom and pop businesses close to an illegal mandate. It's crippling.

The Democratic party of my youth has been hijacked by a liberal left from the top down. We need balance like an airplane needs both a right wing and a left wing.

The Pledge of Allegiance is not taught in our schools but replaced with other allegiances. These hijackers have divided us with critical race theory in our military, academies and public schools.

Children are accosted with gender nonsense to mutilate themselves. Parents are labeled domestic terrorist. All this is covered up by the media who will cancel you, playing cat and mouse with the truth to keep the public off balance.

So, I encourage you to vote for Tara Menza, Marshall Dawson, Joe O'Dea, Heidi Ganahl. This will move us toward balance.

Lee Quaintance