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Ballot Issue 3B, Pool & Ice Rink: What's included?

As the public learns more about the proposed pool and ice rink, a recurring inquiry is 'What exactly would be included in the facility?'
Concept 6
Artist’s schematic of proposed pool and ice rink facility. Credit: City of Longmont

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

This article is part of a series which will be published by the Longmont Observer this week providing more information on ballot issue 3B, a sales tax increase of 0.18% in the City of Longmont to fund the construction of a competitive swimming pool and ice rink. For general information on the ballot issue, see our overview.

As the public learns more about the proposed pool and ice rink, a recurring inquiry is 'What exactly would be included in the facility?'

Multiple options were outlined for the facility in the feasibility study commissioned by the City in 2015. The City Council decided on a variation of "Concept 6," an approximately 80,000 square feet combination facility that would include a competition pool, a leisure pool, and professional ice skating rink, as well as spectator seating, locker rooms, maintenance areas, and some office space.

As stated in the ballot brochure sent to Longmont residents, the facility will include a fitness center, which was not included in the original concept as outlined in the feasibility study.

"Council added that in May and we have not done any drawings yet", said Jeff Friesner, manager of Recreation & Golf Services for the City of Longmont.

The proposed fitness center and multipurpose room were added at a cost of approximately $1.7 million. The size and features of the added rooms are unknown. When asked what specifications were used to get to the $1.7 million estimate, the City suggested that we to contact Sink Combs Dethlefs.

Sink Combs Dethlefs is the architectural firm that conducted the original feasibility study. The project manager there committed to providing the specifications by email, but several attempts at follow up for the information were not successful.

The information that has been provided so far suggests that the new facility is more of a pool/ice rink facility than a traditional recreation center.

As the City and its vendor were not forthcoming with details about the added fitness center; voters will have to draw their own conclusions about the features included in the fitness area.

Update: according to a representative of the City of Longmont, the city is unable to release any information that could be construed as advocating or swaying voters for or against any issue. The city is always happy to release information through an open records request.