This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
It is not every day that several businesses celebrate each other in the same space. On Friday, November 8, 2019, Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA), Sock, and popup artists Jeremy Hamann celebrated their ribbon cutting with the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce (LACC).
LDDA recently relocated to their own space after many years sharing a space with LACC. LDDA is now located at 320 Main St. The front section of the space was largely empty so members of LDDA and Sergio Angeles teamed up to find a creative solution to fill the space. One idea was to fill it with a permanent business. Angeles suggested that it would be a perfect location for a popup business.
This idea introduced Sock, run by the owner of Scrumptious, Scott Spears. He decided to test his sock business in Downtown, exploring if Longmont would support the business permanently.
In addition to a popup business being in the space, LDDA has allocated a room to a popup artist. This is a space that local artists can display their work. The artist currently on display is Jeremy Hamann.
On Nov. 8, members of the community gathered throughout the space, reading all of the socks hanging on the displays. Food was catered by other Downtown Longmont businesses.
The following contains a speech by Kimberlee McKee, executive director of LDDA, along with a history of how the idea of a popup business came to be in the LDDA space.