This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
I am proud to support Josh Goldberg for Ward 1 City Council representative. Let me tell you why.
For the past 10 years, Josh’s work and experience has been focused on Longmont. Professionally, he has chosen to work for a Longmont non-profit foundation whose large-scale community events have raised over $600,000 for area non-profits, such as the OUR Center, Habitat for Humanity, Safe Shelter, The Inn Between, A Woman’s Work, I Have a Dream, HOPE, and Meals on Wheels. His work has generated over $500,000 in corporate support and attracted over 90,000 people from all over the world to experience Longmont’s culture. He has helped put Longmont on the map.
I cannot over-emphasize the skills and experience necessary to successfully organize events like Octoberfest, Hops + Handrails, and Left-a-Palooza. These require a high-level of organization, decision-making, planning, negotiations, and coordination with and consensus-building among businesses, community groups, and City departments, all with differing perspectives. It also requires meticulous budget management skills. These abilities and experience should be highly-valued personal qualities that Josh would bring to the council.
Josh has also been generous with his time by volunteering for the community. He served on the Board of Directors of Visit Longmont, 5 years on the Chamber of Commerce Board and has chaired its Public Policy Committee. He has served over 6 years on the City’s Planning and Zoning Committee. Josh graduated the Leadership Longmont program in 2009 and was elected as one of Boulder Valley’s Top 40 Under 40 Young Professionals in 2016. These are considered young professionals who represent the best and brightest of emerging leaders that make a difference in their companies, industries, and the community’s future.
Regardless of their experience, City Council members do not create jobs – businesses do that. But the council can encourage an environment where unity and an engaged community is a huge factor in their decisions to locate here.
It’s time we give leaders of the next generation the opportunity to serve in City leadership. Josh is just the type of young, innovative thinker Longmont needs for the future. I'm grateful to Josh for his willingness to serve our community as the Ward 1 City Council representative. I urge the residents of Ward 1 to make the effort to vote, and then vote for Josh as your council representative.
This is a letter to the editor that was submitted to the Longmont Observer. Do you have a letter you'd like to send us? Visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page to learn more.