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A Message from Public Safety: Enjoy your 4th of July holiday but please do so safely

Periodically, the Longmont Observer publishes public safety announcements such as the one below from the City Of Longmont. It's incredibly dry due to warm temperatures and little to no rain. The results of illegal fireworks can be devastating.

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Periodically, the Longmont Observer publishes public safety announcements such as the one below from the City Of Longmont.

It's incredibly dry due to warm temperatures and little to no rain. The results of illegal fireworks can be devastating. That's why we are issuing this reminder. Any fireworks that leave the ground are illegal in Longmont. However, the fireworks stands that are within the Longmont city limits sell legal fireworks. Longmont Police Services will have additional officers on-duty dedicated to enforcing municipal code as it relates to fireworks. Please help us in keeping Longmont safe over the 4th of July. For additional information on fireworks, see detail below or call (303) 651-8833.