Homeless Outreach Providing Encouragement’s (HOPE) vision is this: every person in our community is valued and lives with dignity and freedom.
This value is behind HOPE’s services and is instilled in every volunteer.
“We do a variety of outreach,” says Alice Sueltenfuss, Executive Director. Our Street Outreach Team goes out to known areas where homeless individuals gather. Meeting people where they are and without judgement, we offer resources, vital documents assistance and referrals.” Those vital documents are needed to get individuals connected to services like housing.
“The great thing about HOPE's Street Outreach is that we are getting vital documents in the hands of people who might not know how to access them,” Sueltenfuss adds. “We have a list of 10 of our most vulnerable clients who live on the streets of Longmont. Three have vouchers in hand and two have housing after many years on the streets. Additionally, it is not easy to go to the DMV without an appointment but keeping one can be difficult for those who live on the streets. Our Outreach Teams have standing appointments to get individuals' needs met right away.”
HOPE also has a dedicated Outreach Center located at 804 S. Lincoln St. where individuals come receive food, water, clothing and resources. “We provide a coordinated entry/homeless assessment,” says Sueltenfuss. "In September we had 169 individuals visit our Outreach Center.”
She continues, “Street Outreach builds relationships with vulnerable people to build trust and hopefully move that individual towards needed resources and housing opportunities. Among all of our programs: Street Outreach, Outreach Center, hot meals and showers and counseling at the Over Night Shelter, HOPE is able to see individuals throughout the day to encourage them to seek our support towards housing. Building trust at every level of service provides an immediate safety net for those who have significant needs. Anyone in serious need of mental health resources can be directed on the spot and in many cases, taken to the right resource.”
HOPE collaborates with The City of Longmont and the Longmont police, in conjunction with their programs such as LEAD and CORE to ensure the most efficient and comprehensive service.
For example, a client might receive case management with the LEAD program, get wellness checks with the CORE program and stay at HOPE’s Navigation shelter while working towards housing goals.
HOPE’s important work is changing the way homeless are seen in Longmont, while changing lives for the better. Learn more online.