Graduates were limited to two guests who live in their households, and all graduates, guests and staff were required to wear face coverings when entering and exiting the stadiums, as well as during transitions during the ceremony. All seating was assigned and graduates and guests had to register to attend. The ceremonies also were live-streamed via YouTube.You did it, Falcons! Congratulations to Skyline High School's graduating #Classof2020🎓
— St. Vrain Valley Schools (@SVVSD) July 25, 2020
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Because of strict caps on how many people could attend, the Leader was unable to photograph the ceremonies at Silver Creek and Skyline, but featured here are photos from today’s ceremony at Longmont High. St. Vrain Valley School District photos from all of the district’s graduations ceremonies, can be viewed here.Way to go, Raptors! Congratulations to Silver Creek's graduating #Classof2020 🎓
— St. Vrain Valley Schools (@SVVSD) July 25, 2020
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It's a beautiful day to be a Trojan! Congratulations to the Longmont High School #Classof2020 Graduation cap
— St. Vrain Valley Schools (@SVVSD) July 25, 2020
More photos Camera >> #COSchoolsProud