Editor’s note: Have you ever wondered what a school board does? Today marks the second installment of an eight-part series focused on what the St. Vrain Valley board does and getting to know its members.
Monday: Q&A with Board President Joie Siegrist on how the board operates.
Today: Five questions with Siegrist
Wednesday: Five questions with Paula Peairs, board vice president
Thursday: Five questions with Karen Ragland, board treasurer and assistant secretary
Friday: Five questions with John Ahrens, board secretary
Saturday: Five questions with member Chico Garcia
Sunday: Five questions with member Jim Berthold
Monday: Five questions with member Richard Martyr
***Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I grew up in Longmont and am a graduate of Longmont High School. My three children graduated from Mead High School, Longmont High School, and Lyons Middle Senior High School. I work at an environmental consulting and engineering firm. I am beginning my 10th year serving on the board of education.
Why did you run for the school board?
I was an active volunteer in schools for many years and gradually became more involved in supporting schools at the district, community and state level, eventually joining the board of education in 2012. I believe a strong public education system is the most valuable investment we can make to support the success of students, families, businesses and our community as a whole.
What is your favorite thing about SVVSD?
My favorite thing about St. Vrain Valley schools are the students. They are each unique and I always learn something new when I talk with them. Watching the students learn, grow and define their successes fills me with confidence and hope for the future.
What do you feel is the biggest way you contribute as a school board member?
The biggest way I contribute is by listening and learning so I can make informed decisions within the framework of what is best for children.
Can you share your favorite memory or story about how you interacted with parents, the community and/or students?
I will always remember the first time I met the students, families and staff members who participated in and launched the unified sports program at Mead High School. Seeing a school community come together to create this opportunity for students with special needs was inspiring. I am grateful our district is filled with caring, dedicated people committed to creating opportunities for students to experience belonging and success.