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Column: Making a Mark

Celebrating our volunteers’ impact on our St. Vrain communities

Our school volunteers are the parents, grandparents, and community members who generously contribute their time, skills, and enthusiasm. Whether they are spending time in the classrooms, organizing events, or providing individualized support, their commitment and engagement not only benefits students directly, but it helps strengthen the school community. 

Volunteers like Steve Versoi, affectionately known as Papa Steve at Grand View Elementary School, serve as great examples of individuals whose selfless efforts have  positively influenced the community. “I have the word ‘volunteer’ in my vocabulary, whether it’s here at Grand View or within my own community,” shares Versoi. “The heartfelt gratitude and ‘thank yous’ I receive are all the rewards I need.”

With a teaching degree in math, Versoi’s dedication to volunteering goes beyond helping students learn new math techniques or shortcuts beneficial to them in class. “Engaging with each student and teaching math is not just a task for me; it’s an honor that flexes both the heart and brain muscles,” states Versoi. “Needing to adapt my approach for each grade level requires me to flip my brain into different modes. It’s a bit challenging, but rewarding; I’m not only teaching them, I’m learning from them as well.”

As he reflects on his own education,  Versoi emphasizes, “I had the best second-grade teacher, and her impact on me still resonates; I can feel it to this day. If I can help one, two, or three children excel each day, then my job is done – there’s such an immense satisfaction in feeding the need for knowledge.”

As Versoi’s dedication resonates through the halls of Grand View Elementary, it mirrors the impact of Parent-Teacher Organizations(PTOs) that widely contribute to a school’s thriving community. Much like Versoi, PTOs embrace the spirit of selfless dedication, driven by a collective desire to contribute. 

The Parent-School Connection

The active participation in Central’s PTO is driven by two interconnected goals: supporting the school’s emphasis on academic achievement and cultivating a dynamic learning environment. As member Emily Vallery says, “We value what a successful PTO can do to help support the school, teachers, and students — and we wanted to be a part of making that happen.”

Central’s PTO focus extends beyond financial support, with a mission to foster positive relationships by serving as a liaison between the school’s staff, parents, and families. 

“Our primary areas of focus are on parent engagement and community togetherness with fun educational activities, events, teacher support, and appreciation initiatives,” shares Amy Foster, PTO member. “We are always on the lookout for our next big project.”

Their contributions are far-reaching, providing funds for field trips, teacher training, a thriving robotics program, classroom supplies, library books, support for the school’s International Baccalaureate (IB) program, community-building events, and various enrichment programs throughout the school year. 

On the other side of the district, the Prairie Ridge PTO also focuses on investments that will have a lasting impact on the school environment, with recent projects including the addition of shade structures and the planting of numerous trees on the school grounds. 

“We’re driven to create lasting positive experiences for students and staff alike,” states Josh Deakins, Prairie Ridge PTO President. “Our students spend a significant portion of their time in school. We want them to look back on it as a place of meaningful experiences.”

Elevating School Spirit 

At the high school level, booster clubs take an active role in advancing community engagement by emphasizing school pride. These dedicated groups of parents, alumni, and community members support school initiatives beyond the classroom, enhancing the student experience in athletics, co-curricular activities, visual and performing arts, and other important student events.  

Niwot High School’s Booster Club plays an important role in supporting the school’s comprehensive high school experience for all students. “Our focus is on creating a positive culture of participation in our community, celebrating all of our students’ achievements both in and out of the classroom,” shares Donna Blondeau, President of the Niwot Booster Club. Major projects, like the revamping of the Niwot Athletic Complex weight rooms and the creation of a unique outdoor classroom, exemplify this commitment.

Skyline High School’s Booster Club also plays an integral role in shaping school’s environment. “We see ourselves as the bridge connecting Skyline’s rich history with the future of our school,” states Mackenzie Turrill, Booster Club Member. 

The collaboration between parents, coaches, teachers, and the Skyline Boosters plays a pivotal role in achieving common goals for students. By providing grants to coaches and supporting initiatives like purchasing new uniforms, the Booster Club not only strengthens these relationships but also enhances the overall educational experience. They fund scholarships through the Skyline Education Foundation, participate in open house events, and partner with student council to host annual senior year highlight events like the senior sunrise and senior sunset. 

The impact of volunteers like Mackenzie Turrill, Donna Blondeau, Steve Versoi, Emily Vallery, Amy Foster, and Josh Deakins across the St. Vrain Valley community is immeasurable. Across the district, hundreds of volunteers work behind the scenes to support the success of students, teachers, staff, and community.