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Xcel Energy offers energy saving tips

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DENVER – With temperatures in Colorado expected to set a new record high today, Coloradoans may be turning up their air conditioning to keep cool and stay comfortable. Xcel Energy is offering some tips to help customers find relief from the heat and their bills this summer.

Home cooling can account for about half of a summertime electric bill, and the best way customers can keep their bills low is to practice some basic conservation and efficiency habits that can keep them cool without stressing their family’s budget. Among the simplest ways customers can get the most out of their cooling are:

  • Installing a programmable thermostat that raises the setting when the house is empty, and lower it to a comfortable level when everyone comes home;
  • Using ceiling fans to help circulate cool air through the home;
  • Opening interior doors to improve the circulation of cool air inside;
  • Using a whole-house or attic fan to draw in cool nighttime air and push out hot air during the day;
  • Changing air conditioning filters;
  • Closing drapes and blinds during the heat of the day.

Customers can also help reduce their overall bills by:

  • Turning off unnecessary lighting and replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs, which use 75 to 80 percent less energy than traditional bulbs and last 15 percent longer;
  • Running washing machines, dishwashers and clothes dryers with full loads after the heat of the day, which helps keep the house cooler and reduces strain on the local grid.

Xcel Energy has more tips for saving money and energy at its website. Xcel Energy also offers incentives and rebates that customers can use to make homes and businesses more efficient. Information on these programs can be found at by selecting the “Programs & Rebates” link at the top of the homepage.
