Beginning Monday, June 1, Transfort is resuming normal FLEX service between Ft. Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont and Boulder, except for the first and last Boulder Express roundtrips.
The Boulder Express trips not resuming are:
Southbound from the South Transit Center in Fort Collins at 5:14 AM and Northbound from 18th and Euclid in Boulder at 7:09 AM
Southbound from Downtown Transit Center in Fort Collins at 5:20 PM and Northbound from 19th and Euclid in Boulder at 7:20 PM
The temporary stops in Loveland at Lincoln & 23rd (COLT stops) will not be used. FLEX will stop at its normally scheduled stops during all trips including at the Loveland Food Bank.
FLEX service was suspended April 18 along with suspensions or reductions on several other routes in Fort Collins. The other suspensions and reductions are still in effect. All Transfort services continue to be fare-free under an emergency order signed in March.
Beginning May 4, Transfort requires that passengers wear a face covering while riding, per a City order signed May 1.
The public is asked to only use Transfort for essential trips and passengers are asked to attempt to keep at least six feet of distance between other customers and Transfort staff. Passengers are also asked to board from the rear doors of the bus unless they are using a mobility device.
Transfort has been disinfecting driver and passenger areas of its buses in addition to regular nightly cleaning. The South Transit Center, Downtown Transit Center, and CSU Transit Center buildings are currently closed, but passengers may board and exit buses at the transit centers.
For more information and to view the full schedule, please visit