“Clean-up, Green-up” kicks off Saturday
Businesses, civic groups, schools, neighborhoods, families and individuals are invited to help spruce up Longmont. Volunteers can pick a park, greenway, street, alley or open space to clean up, or an area of need can be assigned. The Grand Kick-Off for the month-long campaign is from 7:30 to 10:30 am on Saturday, September 19, at Sunset Campus, 7 S. Sunset Street. Register at JoinUs.LongmontColorado.gov/Calendar. If you can’t participate on kick-off day, you can help “Clean-up, Green-up” through October 10. For more information, visit bit.ly/cleanup-greenup or call 303-651-8955.
Go out on a limerick and win
Longmont Power & Communications is holding a limerick contest for Public Power Week, October 4-10, and two LPC customers could win a $100 Downtown Longmont gift card! To enter, simply write a limerick about why you love Longmont’s community-owned power and send it to LPC. Email your entry to [email protected], submit a Facebook message to Longmont Power & Communications – NextLight, or mail or hand-deliver to 1100 S. Sherman Street, Longmont, CO, 80501. All entries must be received by October 10. For details and contest rules visit LongmontColorado.gov/PublicPowerWeek.
Get a Cozy Movie Pack from the library
Calling all tweens and teens: The library has a movie experience for you that’s “Better than Redbox.” When you check out a free movie from the library between Monday and Oct. 5, you also can receive a free package of goodies to make the experience even better. Just drop in to pick out a movie, or call 303-651-8477 to put a movie on hold then stop by the Children’s and Teens’ Information Desk to get your movie pack. This program is for tweens and teens only and while supplies last. No registration required. See details and library hours at bit.ly/LibTeens.
Learn how to navigate election media
Independent journalist and University of Colorado data journalism instructor Sandra Fish will help you cut through the political spin during the election season in “Being an Informed Voter in 2020,” an online program offered by the Longmont Public Library, from 7 to 8:30 pm on Thursday. The program is free, but registration is required. Once registered, attendees will be sent information to join the program. Learn more and register at bit.ly/LibPrograms#voter.
Xeriscaping and native plants
Xeriscaping and using native plants in our landscapes doesn’t mean gravel and ugly plants. Join Sharon Bokan and Deryn Davidson of the Boulder County Extension at 9 a.m. on Sept. 26 as they show how using native plants can provide a beautiful, easy-care, low-water-use landscape and how to incorporate such plants into your existing landscape. Register and see other volunteer events and educational opportunities at bit.ly/join-us-calendar.
Thursday Nights at the (virtual) Museum
Spend your Thursday evenings through Nov. 17 at the (virtual) Longmont Museum for free panels, conversations and readings live-streamed from the Stewart Auditorium. Highlights include programs on race and social justice, women’s suffrage and the science of cloud formation, as well as special evenings with dance icon Cleo Parker Robinson, Colorado Poet Laureate Bobby LeFebre and more. View live at 7:30 p.m. on the Museum’s Facebook page, LongmontPublicMedia.org or local Comcast channel 8/880. Get all the details at LongmontMuseum.org.
Mosquito spraying has ended for 2020
The recent snow and cooler nights have led to decreased counts in the West Nile virus “hot zone” monitoring areas, leading to the decision to end mosquito spraying in Longmont for the 2020 season. Larval control will continue as needed in trouble areas. Although the risk of being infected with West Nile virus has abated for 2020, Boulder County Public Health and Longmont officials still encourage residents to take necessary precautions to protect themselves. Learn more about the 4Ds of protection at LongmontColorado.gov/WestNile or call 303-651-8416.