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Recreation introduces vaccine verified hours to Memorial Building weight room

The St. Vrain Memorial Building weight room will be a Vaccine Verified workout location select days and hours of the week, allowing those who have proven to be vaccinated against COVID-19 an option to workout and exercise without a mask
St. Vrain Memorial Building (Photo taken by Joe Bieker/ Longmont Observer)


In accordance with Boulder County Public Health Order (BCPH) 2021-08, Longmont Recreation will be an Approved Vaccine Verified Facility at select locations, days, and times beginning on Monday, December 13, 2021. During Vaccine Verified hours, individuals who have shown proof of vaccination can be indoors with other vaccinated individuals for mask-optional workouts. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required to participate in activities in Vaccine Verified spaces. Masks will still be required elsewhere in the facility, and before entering and after leaving the Vaccine Verified areas. Neither masking nor a negative COVID test result is a substitute for proof of COVID-19 vaccine status.  

Learn about the Vaccine Verification Program at  the BCPH website.

Proof of vaccine 

To verify your vaccine status, please wear your mask into the building and check in with a receptionist. If you are a Recreation passholder, you need only show proof of COVID-19 vaccination once, and your proof of vaccination status will be entered into your household account for future reference. If you are not a regular passholder and are joining us on a day pass, you will be required to show your proof of vaccination each time you get a day pass.  

Per Boulder County regulation, Vaccine Verified facilities and events must verify proof of vaccination with one of the following methods:

  1. COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (issued by the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or WHO Yellow Card) which includes name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided, and date last dose administered); OR
  2. A photo of a Vaccination Record Card as a separate document; OR
  3. A photo of the individual’s Vaccination Record Card stored on a phone or electronic device; OR
  4. Documentation of COVID-19 vaccination from a health care provider; OR Digital record accessed through the myColorado application

Memorial Building Vaccine Verified hours 

Effective Monday, Dec 13, the St Vrain Memorial Building located at 700 Longs Peak Ave will offer Vaccinate Verified Weight Room Hours Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm, and Sat, 7am to 12pm.  All individuals seeking admittance to the weight room during these times will be required to show proof of vaccination.  A pass holder need only show proof of vaccination once.  Daily drop-in users will need to show proof of vaccination each time.  During Vaccinated Verified Weight Room Hours, the weight room door will remain closed and individuals working out have the option to work out and exercise without a mask. Masks are required when not in the Weight Room. 

More information 

For more information about COVID-19, vaccinations, and testing, visit the BCPH website.  

For information about building hours, activities, and fitness, visit the Longmont Recreation website.  
