The City of Longmont will host its annual Household Hazardous Waste Disposal event on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 9 am to 1 pm at the new Waste Services Center Facility located at 110 South Martin St, just south of the Waste Diversion Center and Western Foundries.
This event has moved from its previous location on Airport Rd (see map above). This event is for Longmont residents only, and those participating will need to present a recent City utility bill and proof of identification when dropping off materials. No business or commercial waste will be accepted.
Acceptable materials:
- Paint (Oil-based, Latex, Aerosols)
- Paint Thinners & Strippers
- Pesticides, Insecticides, Fungicides
- Cleaning Products, Car Care Products
- 1 LB Propane Cylinders or smaller (Coleman size)
- Fluorescent Bulbs (Straight tubes and CFL’s)
- Fuels (Diesel, Gasoline, Kerosene)
- Photographic Chemicals
- Thermometers & Mercury Containing Devices
- Pool/Spa Chemicals
- PCB Ballasts
For information about specific items, use the Waste Wizard app at