This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Please note: this is also available as an audio only/podcast version available here:
[archiveorg TalkWithMayorBrianBagleyEpisode2 width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]
The Longmont Observer has a regular sit down interview with the mayor of Longmont on the first Monday of each month.
This month, Brian Bagley, Mayor of Longmont, and Scott Converse, publisher of the Longmont Observer, discuss the issues that the residents of Longmont want to know about.
This month Brian and Scott discussed:
- The new Friday Morning 'get together' now held the week before each regular session of the Longmont City Council - what it's about and why they're doing it. Like the informal meetings at Mike O'Shey's held after council meetings, the public is invited.
- The Boulder County District Attorney's race between Mike Foote and Michael Dougherty.
- The case of Longmont City Council campaign spending rules violations that saw both Mr. Bagley and Sarah Levison fined $200 and $16,000, respectively.
- A Letter To The Editor sent out to the Longmont Observer and the Times-Call from Stan Gelb critical of a fundraising event held at Mr. Bagley home.
Technical Note: We use software that has an AI component controlling the camera during the interview. Some of you may notice that it doesn't, always, keep the speakers in frame. We're working with the developer on improving the system so, over time, you'll see improvements to the system.