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Video: R.E.W.I.N.D. Program in Longmont

Longmont has a program that's designed to give youths accused of crimes an alternative to the standard legal system with the opportunity to avoid creating a record that could negatively impact them for the rest of their lives.

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Longmont has a program that's designed to give youths accused of crimes an alternative to the standard legal system with the opportunity to avoid creating a record that could negatively impact them for the rest of their lives.

From the Longmont City Website:

The REWiND is a voluntary program for youth who have violated a Longmont municipal ordinance.  It will divert youth from the Longmont Municipal Court and provide opportunity for positive life outcomes and for youth to learn from their mistakes.  It provides youth with experiences that are different from traditional juvenile justice experiences. 

REWiND serves youth 10-17 years of age who have been or may be charged with violating a Longmont Municipal Ordinance that is a criminal offense (also referred to a misdemeanor offense) and not traffic related matters.

The main goal is to address delinquent behavior informally in the community in an effort to prevent subsequent offending.  REWiND has specialized programs to better meet the needs of youth with mental health and/or substance abuse concerns. Upon successfully completion of the REWiND program, the juvenile’s case will be dismissed and record sealed.  

Youth in the REWiND program will go through an assessment and based on the offense that they have and their need can be referred to different classes or interventions. Services provided for youth and families in REWiND include one or more of the following:

  • Screening and assessment
  • School Supports
  • Restorative Justice
  • Service learning programs
  • Substance use education and counseling
  • Mental health counseling (individual and/or group)
  • Psychoeducational groups
  • Crisis intervention
  • Family counseling
  • Parenting skill development
  • Supports for rebuilding family relationships and
  • Quality recreation and organized programs

The REWiND program is a partnership between the Longmont Muncipal Court, Probation, Children Youth and Families (the Youth Center) and Longmont Police Department.  REWiND also partners with other youth serving organizations within Longmont and Boulder County, including Longmont Community Justice Partnership and Boulder Mental Health Partners.

 Let's REWiND together!