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Vehicle Crashes Into Longmont Humane Society, Forcing Temporary Closure

A vehicle crashed into the Longmont Humane Society on Saturday afternoon, causing temporary closure for cleanup and assessment. No animals or bystanders were injured, and the facility reopened Sunday.
front 10-21

A vehicle crashed into the front of the Longmont Humane Society building on Saturday afternoon, forcing the facility to temporarily close. The incident occurred shortly around 1 p.m. and the humane society closed for the remainder of the day to assess damage and clean up debris.


No bystanders or animals were injured, according to a report by Colorado Hometown Weekly. The driver of the vehicle may have sustained minor injuries, the report said, but their exact condition is unknown. It is unclear if the driver is facing any charges.


It is unknown how much the damage will cost to repair and Colorado Hometown Weekly reported that the humane society is working with its insurance carrier.


The facility reopened on Sunday.