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Sustainable Resilient Longmont to hold Earth Day webinar with local youth

On April 22, Sustainable Resilient Longmont will hold a live event with local youth for Earth Day.
srl earth day
Photo from SRL Facebook

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

On April 22, Sustainable Resilient Longmont will hold a live event with local youth for Earth Day. Moderated by Marlow Baines of Earth Guardians, this event will feature a live panel discussion with St. Vrain Valley high school students about the challenging opportunities we face with climate change in our community. Topics will include climate change, fossil fuels, what community members can do to make a positive impact, and youth panel participants’ vision for the future.

“The youth represent what matters most about the work we do day in and day out. One of our core programs is youth environmental education and I am so pleased that we are able to engage local youth in this important conversation about climate change, resiliency, and what community members can do to make a positive impact. Since the annual Longmont Earth Day Celebration had to be canceled, we are excited about the opportunity to offer online programming to the community to come together, learn and engage,” said Sustainable Resilient Longmont Board Chair Abby Driscoll. 

Marlow Baines, Co-Youth Director of Earth Guardians and panel moderator, said: “The youth of my generation are rising. We do not want to leave our children to solve our problems, as previous generations have left us the problems we face now. Our time is now. Youth have the power to act and be a part of the change we wish to see in the world. That is why I’m inspired to be moderating this live panel discussion with local youth on Earth Day. Working together, we can make a lasting impact on the most important issues facing our community: fighting climate change.” 

“I am very excited and honored to be a part of this panel. In these uncertain times, we have such a unique opportunity for self-reflection and contemplation. We can distinguish what is truly important to us and what we hold dear. As the Earth begins to heal without our presence, many are realizing the significance of our actions and the necessity of a solution. This panel is an amazing way to express these feelings and give a platform to the voices that will be carrying the burdens of generations. Covid-19 is blind to race, age, and location, and therefore has united the world in a way that has never been seen before. I hope that as we meet behind our screens, we can recognize this opportunity for togetherness and apply it to environmentalism. This is our world and we are all in it together,” said Silver Creek High School Junior and panelist Allie Hummer. 

Moderated by: 

  • Marlow Baines, Earth Guardians


  • Ashwini Shrestha- Skyline High School
  • Maya Beauvineau - Niwot High School
  • Allie Hummer - Silver Creek High School
  • Megan Neufeld - Silver Creek High School

WHAT: Youth Voices on Climate Action: Earth Day Webinar

WHEN: Earth Day April 22 12:00- 1:30 p.m. 

WHERE: Via Zoom Webinar: 

If you are not able to join us live, the recording will be available on the SRL Facebook page at 

There will be a live Q&A and questions can be submitted in advance to [email protected] 

For more information please visit