This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Even though we still have snow on the ground and likely more over the coming weeks, it is time for Longmont parents and children to start thinking ”Summer Camp”. Registration is now open for the Longmont Museum’s annual camp program, for ages 3 through 16.
The five-day camps run through June and July, and are generally either morning or afternoon sessions, depending on the content. All take place either inside the Museum or in the natural areas outside the Museum.
Life in the West both past and present is investigated in the Wild West Adventure Camp, with gold-panning, pioneer games and even meeting a mountain man. Surviving Out West teaches the skills needed to survive the Western frontier, including cooking over an open fire, harvesting and gathering food and stalking and tracking. The catalog description says “Bring your rainboots and be prepared to get messy! And the Zombie Apocalypse Training Camp covers off-the grid living techniques, light-hearted combat training and building a bug-out-bag. Another “down and dirty fun” camp held almost entirely outdoors.
Fiber art is offered in several different camps, even a Fashion Design Camp in which one of the owners of Main Street’s Maker General store will teach the basics of designing and constructing a garment. All patterns and supplies will be included. Another Maker General led camp is called Strings, Yarn and Thread, and includes weaving, macramé and embroidery, with several finished projects to take home at the end of the camp.
Junior Engineers will find out everything they need to know about magnetics, light and electricity. And you can even build your own lightsaber and more! The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Preparatory Academy is offered twice in July. Essential for those who think they might just be magical, learn about Potions, Spells and Defense against the Dark Arts. Everything you need to know before setting off for Platform 9-3/4.
Other Camp topics include Photography, Archeology, Print Making, the Ukelele and even the opportunity to audition with the Missoula Children’s Theater and act in two special performances at the end of the Camp.
Registration is now open, and the full schedule can be viewed at More information, including about needs-based scholarships, can also be obtained by calling the Museum at (303)651-8374.