This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Tuesday night, Mayor Brian Bagley proclaimed August 2018 as "Front Range Community College 50th Anniversary."
This proclamation recognizes Front Range Community College (FRCC) and the progress of achievements the college has achieved, as it's now the biggest community college in Colorado.
Andy Dorsey, president of the Boulder-County campus was present to accept the proclamation.
"We're very thankful for the city's support, proud to be serving the community and the residents of the community and look forward to fifty more years," said Dorsey.
Over the last 50 years, FRCC has grown to be the largest community college in Colorado. The Longmont branch has worked with students from the St. Vrain Valley School District to earn college credit through concurrent enrollment and has helped "new and existing industries in the Longmont area receive customized training from the FRCC Workforce Development division," states the proclamation.
"We are excited to celebrate how FRCC's efforts have changed people's lives in our communities," city staff states in city council communication.