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Out and About: Museum hosts talk on solar eclipses

A list of local events
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March 28

Thursday Nights @ the Museum:NCAR Explorer Series: Total Solar Eclipses

7 p.m.

Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd.

free, reservations recommended

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Dr. Paul Bryans will give a history of the efforts around observing the solar corona under eclipse conditions to unlock how the Sun affects life on Earth, how those studies can advance science and how NCAR will be researching the eclipse in 2024, all while offering advice on how to make the most of your own personal eclipse experience.

In Honor of Transgender Day of Visibility: Motus Theater Presents TRANSformative Stories

Location: Colorado Capitol, House Committee Room 0112

Time: 8-9 a.m. (Coffee and bagels available at 7:45 a.m.)

In a landmark theater production, Motus Theater is proud to present a special performance of TRANSformative Stories at the Colorado Capitol in honor of Transgender Day of Visibility. The performance, scheduled from 8-9 a.m. on Thursday, March 28, 2024, will honor the contributions, resilience, and rights of transgender and nonbinary Coloradans, and forms part of a regional Colorado tour of TRANSformative Stories. The event is hosted by Rep. Brianna Titone, Colorado’s first and only transgender legislator, and co-hosted by 13 Colorado State legislators. The event is sponsored by Out Boulder County.

Each year on March 31, the world observes Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) to raise awareness about transgender people. It provides an opportunity to celebrate the lives and contributions of trans people, while also drawing attention to the threats the transgender and nonbinary community faces. 

March 29

 A Literary Salon Curated by Toni Oswald and Sarah Elizabeth Schantz Returns to East Window

7-9 p.m.

East Window & Gallery, 4550 Broadway Ste C-3B2, Boulder

As an ongoing collaboration between The Literary Ladies (Oswald and Schantz) and East Window, another iteration of FRAME is coming to Boulder in March 2024. Dino Enrique Piacentini, Ali Meyung, Taylor Bratches, Julia Madsen, Max Davies, and Maggie Snyder join East Window for this night of poetry, visual art, and song.

The March FRAME Literary Salon is March 29, 2024 from 7-9 p.m. at the East Window & Gallery located at 4550 Broadway, Ste C-3B2, Boulder, Colo. This event is free and open to the public.

East Window & Gallery is an independent arts organization owned by Herman that is dedicated to promoting and developing original art and performance by emerging and underrepresented artists from around the world. Please visit the East Window website to view details on upcoming exhibitions and hours of operation.

Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra Hollywood Fools: Celebrating Silent Film Legend Marion Davies

March 29 and 30 @ 7 p.m.

Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road

$20 students/seniors, $18 members

The Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra returns to the Longmont Museum's Stewart Auditorium this weekend to provide musical accompaniment for a pair of silent films featuring the legendary “Queen of the Screen” Marion Davies, one of the great comedic actresses of the silent era and well known as newspaper tycoon William Randolph Heart’s longtime mistress.

“The Patsy” (1928, NR)

Friday, March 29, 7 pm

Marion Davies stars as Pat, who has a hopeless crush on her older sister's boyfriend. But before she can work on her romance, she has to gain the respect of her domineering mother (hilariously portrayed by Marie Dressler). A highlight is a scene where Davies tries to impress a man by impersonating contemporary film stars Mae Murray, Pola Negri and Lillian Gish. 

“Show People” (1928, NR)

Saturday, March 30, 7 pm

Based loosely on the careers of stars like Gloria Swanson, Marion Davies plays naive Peggy Pepper, who arrives in Hollywood expecting stardom to land in her lap. But of course, the road to stardom never ran smoothly. Working her way up from slapstick comedy to pretentious artistic roles (changing her name to “Patricia Pepoire” along the way), her arc takes her behind the scenes in Hollywood’s golden age, with plenty of cameos from other major Hollywood stars and directors.

March 30

Explore Opportunities for Teens: Life Skills Fair

Learn skills, explore careers, and have fun at the fairgrounds

The City of Longmont’s Children, Youth, and Families division is hosting a Life Skills Fair on Saturday, March 30 from noon to 2 pm at the Boulder County Fairgrounds at 9595 Nelson Road in Longmont.

Created for teens aged 11-17, the fair will feature a live DJ and games as well as hands-on workshops to share health and practical skills, job opportunities and City resources. While exploring stations where they can learn a variety of skills relative to health, future careers, and other practical matters, youth will gain opportunities to win prizes. The Fair’s mission is to give all youth an opportunity to acquire new skills and explore diverse career paths while enjoying each other’s company in festive atmosphere.

“At last year’s Youth Summit, many participants asked that we provide more ways for Longmont youth to get together, outside of school, in non-competitive ways,” said Hilda Zamora Hursh, Manager of Children, Youth and Families. “We’re providing the Life Skills Fair in response to those requests.”

Representatives from Youth Center staff will be on hand to introduce themselves and share details on their free afterschool programs, including Youth Council, Aspire, GRIP, and YORS, the Center’s recording studio.

"We're excited to offer an empowering space for teens to gain practical skills, expand their professional horizons, and interact with community resources," said Longmont City Councilmember Shiquita Yarbrough. “Our goal is to make it fun to learn skills that participants will actually use in life, and to help them to broaden the scope of the opportunities they imagine for their futures.”

For more information, please visit or call the Youth Center at 303-651-8580.

April 1

Upcoming Bond Discussion with SVVSD Superintendent Don Haddad

6-7 p.m.

SVVSD Innovation Center, 33 Quail Rd.

The League of Women Voters of Boulder County (LWVBC) Schools Team is hosting a Community Conversation with Don Haddad, SVVSD Superintendent, on the proposed St. Vrain Valley School District Bond Issue in November 2024. The St. Vrain Valley School District includes Longmont, Northern Boulder County, and the adjacent area of Weld County. The proposed bond issue would build three new district schools including a new high school in Frederick, an elementary or middle school in Erie, and possibly an elementary, middle, or K-8 school in Mead. A second Career and Technical Education Center in the Carbon Valley and expansion of the Longmont Innovation Center, which offers STEM programs to students districtwide, are also proposed. Maintenance and repairs for existing schools would be included. This proposed Bond Issue will not raise taxes.

The Community Conversation will take place on Monday, April 1, 2024, from 6-7pm at the St. Vrain Valley Schools Innovation Center, 33 Quail Road, Longmont. The public is encouraged to register on the LWVBC website at under “Events.”

April 4

Art & Sip: Macramé Feathers & Leaves

4 and 6 p.m.

Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd.

Learn basic knots that you can use to create feathers or leaves from cotton cord. Mix and match colors; make them large or small. These feathers and leaves are perfect for adding the finishing touch to any macramé project or your home décor. Use them as a keychain, zipper-pull or personal flare! By popular demand, we have added 4 pm classes in addition to our 6:30 pm classes weekly.

Thursday Nights @ the Museum:Slim Cessna's Auto Club: Live in Concert

7 p.m.

Longmont Musuem, 400 Quail Road

$18 adults, $15 students/seniors, $12 members

Gothic Rockabilly meets Country Gospel, Slim Cessna's Auto Club churns out tunes you might expect to hear at the church of punk rock. Considered by many the originators of the “Denver Sound," there’s quite simply, nothing else like them. Cowboy hats, horned rimmed glasses, and mesmerizing lyrics will mark a night of absolute artistic expression. Presented in conjunction with the Museum’s "Picturing the West: Masterworks of American Landscape Photography" exhibition.

April 8

Mythical Creatures Club!

4-5 p.m.

Location: Library 409 Fourth Ave.

  • For 1st - 2nd graders / Para estudiantes de 1.º a 2.º grado
  • Library Meeting Rooms / Salas de reuniones
  • This program is presented in English / Este programa será presentado solo en inglés

Join us every 2nd Monday of the month for our Mythical Creatures Club! We’ll learn about Bigfoot, mermaids, and many other legendary creatures through fun crafts and activities.

¡Únete a nosotros cada segundo lunes del mes de septiembre a diciembre para nuestro Club de Criaturas Míticas! Aprenderemos sobre el Yeti, las sirenas y muchas otras criaturas legendarias a través de manualidades y actividades divertidas.

Attend the Club

Registration is required to attend the Mythical Creatures Club and is limited to 15 children. Starting Tuesday, March 12, click the button below to register your child(ren). Make sure to fill out the form for EACH CHILD who is attending.

Se requiere inscripción para asistir al Club de Criaturas Míticas y está limitado a 20 niños. A partir del martes 12 de marzo, haz clic en el botón a continuación para inscribir a tu(s) hijo(s). Asegúrate de completar el formulario para CADA NIÑO que asistirá.

Register for the April Mythical Creatures Club

April 10

Catch That Plane! A Teen's Listening Workshop - REGISTER

  • Date: 04/10/2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Location: Library
    409 Fourth Ave.
  • Teen Space
  • For 6th-12th graders

Join us for a special student-led program in our teen space! A workshop inspired by the H.E.A.R. Cycle Workbook, “Catch That Plane!” Is a workshop where you will learn how to listen without having to listen to a boring lecture. This workshop is fun and creative, making the learning interactive and anything from boring. Come join us and build paper airplanes as we learn about listening using the H.E.A.R. Cycle. Snacks will be provided. This workshop is presented by a student as part of a Silver Creek High School Leadership Capstone project.

¡Únase a nosotros para un programa especial dirigido por estudiantes en nuestro espacio para adolescentes! Un taller inspirado en el H.E.A.R. Cuaderno de ejercicios, “¡Coge ese avión!” Es un taller donde aprenderás a escuchar sin tener que escuchar una conferencia aburrida. Este taller es divertido y creativo, lo que hace que el aprendizaje sea interactivo y nada aburrido. Únase a nosotros y construya aviones de papel mientras aprendemos a escuchar usando el Ciclo de H.E.A.R. Se proporcionarán meriendas. Este taller es presentado por un estudiante como parte de un proyecto final de liderazgo de Silver Creek High School.

Registration is required to participate and is limited to 20 teens.

April 11

Boulder County TRANSformative Stories performances

7-9 p.m.

Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Rd.

FREE Performance at the Longmont Museum: Thursday, April 11, 2024, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Monologists include Colorado leaders: Raye Watson (they/them), Ruby Lopez (she/her) and Dr. Morgan Henry Seamont (he/him). Co-presented by the Longmont Multicultural Action Committee.

April 12

Under the Big Top Casino Night

6-11 p.m.

Aims Welcome Center Ballroom, 4901 West 20th St. Greeley

This year, Life Stories is hosting a Vintage Circus themed Casino Night – Under the Big Top: Casino Night presented by Roche Constructors. Enjoy an evening of food, drink and fun, while raising money to give a voice to abused children in Weld County.  The gala, held at the Aims Ballroom, includes dinner, drinks, live music and casino tables as well as live and silent auctions and other chances to win great prizes!

Tickets will include dinner, drinks, live music and casino games along with silent and live auctions and other chances to win great prizes!  We hope you’ll join us for an elegant evening of fun all while raising much needed funds to help Life Stories give a voice to abused children in Weld County.

Adults Only Please.

April 15

Pika's Sweets / Dulces de Pika - REGISTER

  • Date: 04/15/2024 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Library
    409 Fourth Ave.

About the Program

  • For 1st - 5th grades / Para estudiantes de 1.º a 5.º grado
  • Library Meeting Rooms / Salas de reuniones
  • This program is presented in English / Este programa será presentado solo en inglés

Do you love to decorate and eat sweet treats? Are you in 1st through 5th grade? Join us once a month to create delicious confections like cake pops and no-bake desserts!

¿Te encanta decorar y comer dulces? ¿Estás en 1º a 5º grado? ¡Únete a nosotros una vez al mes para crear deliciosos dulces como cake pops y postres sin hornear!

Attend the Program

Registration is required to attend Pika's Sweets and is limited to 20 children. Registration will open at 9 am on Tuesday, March 19. Click the button below to register your child(ren). Make sure to fill out the form for EACH CHILD who is attending.

Se requiere inscripción para asistir a Dulces de Pika y está limitado a 20 niños. La inscripción se abrirá a las 9 am del martes 19 de marzo. Haz clic en el botón de abajo para inscribir a tu(s) hijo(s). Asegúrate de completar el formulario para CADA NIÑO que asistirá.

 NOTE: This will be the last Pika's Sweets. Make sure to check out our Kids Club (1st-2nd grades) and Tween Club (3rd-5th grades) this summer for more fun, crafts, games and more!

Register for the April Pika's Sweets program

April 20


Vance Brand Civic Auditorium


BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125

Don't miss this magnificent evening! Tickets are selling fast! Click to buy now, or call LSO office at 303-772-5796

April 24

Verses in Harmony: Exploring Cultural Narratives with ZBassSpeaks - REGISTER

6:30 p.m.

Longmont Library, 409 Kimbark St.

About the Poetry Reading

Library Meeting Rooms / Salas de reuniones

FREE to attend; registration required / Es necesario registrarse

Join Lafayette's first poet laureate ZBassSpeaks for a culturally infused poetry reading.

Registration REQUIRED

Registration is required and is limited to 80 attendees. Registration will open on Friday, March 1. You can also register via phone by calling the Reference Desk at 303-651-8472.

Register for the poetry reading

April 26

A Woman's Work: 21st Anniversary Luncheon

10:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Brookside Gardens, 619 E. Co Rd. 8 Berthoud

Doors Open at 10:30 for check-in, silent auction browsing, and other fun. Program & Lunch begins at noon. Event concludes at 1:15 PM

Corporate Sponsor Table for 10 – $1,500

Friendship Table for 10 – $500

Individual Ticket – $50

Good Life Refuge Announces Barnyard Soirée Fundraising Gala

6-9 p.m.

D-Barn, 136 S. Main St.

Barnyard Soirée promises an unforgettable evening of elegance, entertainment, and philanthropy. Held at the D-Barn Reception Hall, guests will indulge in a 3-course dining experience featuring delectable plant-based cuisine crafted by Savory Cuisines Catering.  VIP ticket holders will also be treated to hors d'oeuvre by Escoffier School of Culinary Arts.

Attendees will enjoy live music by local folk rock band, Starlight and Pine, a mind-bending performance by America’s Got Talent duo, Anthem & Aria, and heartwarming stories of resilience from the animals at the Good Life Refuge. There will also be a silent auction including items and experiences generously donated by local businesses and supporters.

The gala aims to raise vital funds to support the sanctuary’s mission of providing a safe haven for abused, neglected, and at-risk farm animals.

May 8

Kids Programs: Teen Craft & Create Club

3-5 p.m.

Longmont Musueum, 400 Quail Road

ages 14 - 18; free, suggested donation $2.50

Teen Craft & Create is a free, weekly drop-in program dedicated to teenagers who want to explore their creative selves! Join us each week to explore a variety of activities such as bullet journaling, collage, string pull painting, and free-choice makerspace time. We play music that they want to hear, offer snacks, share resources and events in the community, and just chat about what is going on in their lives in a safe, creative space. No registration needed.

May 18

2024 Longs Peak Chorus Spring Show "Our Fondest Dreams"

2 and 7 p.m.

Stewart Auditorium, 400 Quail Rd.

We are excited announce our upcoming Spring Show, and boy do we have a fantastic show lineup planned for you! In addition to the fabulous harmonies from the chorus, we'll have two featured quartets and also a guest appearance from Colorado's newest BHS Chorus!

Sunday Night Social : RMD 2023 Quartet Champions

Five Minutes More: SAI/BHS Quartet - 6th in the RMD 2023 Fall Contest

Harmony Road: Colorado's Newest BHS Chorus

Sounds Appealing: 2022 RMD Senior Quartet Champions

...and Additional Quartets from the Longs Peak Chorus!