Two weeks ago, the City of Loveland announced that a new half-mile trail and trailhead was constructed at Wild Natural Area along Highway 34 at Glade Road. The trail opened to the public on February 28.
The property that the soft-surface trail is located on was purchased by the city in 2012 to preserve an upland meadow, riparian habitat and wildlife corridor, and to provide access to the Big Thompson River.
The trail was constructed by Loveland Open Lands and Trails staff and provides access for hiking, fishing, and wildlife watching — according to the City of Loveland, native cottonwoods and shrubs along the trail provide habitat for songbirds, raptors, wild turkey, mink, elk, white-tailed deer, and more. Visitors with a valid Colorado Fishing License can fish in the north side of the Big Thompson River.
According to the city, the project was funded by Loveland’s share of the Larimer County Open Space Tax.
A parking area can be used from sunrise to sunset for the trail. It is located on the south side of Highway 34 and Glade Road. Leashed dogs are allowed on the trail.