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Marta Loachamin seeks a second term

Loachamin hopes to represent District 2 which includes Longmont, Lyons and Allenspark
Marta Loachamin announces candidacy for second term as Boulder County Commissioner

Marta Loachamin announced in July that she is seeking a second term as Boulder County Commissioner. 

Loachamin, who lives in Longmont, won the District 2 seat — which encompasses Longmont, Lyons and Allenspark - in Nov. 2020. After becoming commissioner, Loachamin served on the Workforce Boulder County Board of Directors, Boulder County Housing Authority Commission, Colorado Workforce Development Council and Mobility and Access for All Coalition.

“I’ve spent the last two years responding to disasters and crises, while leading the community engagement effort for our ARPA funding. I’m looking forward to continuing the resiliency work of county systems into the future, focusing on racial equity, climate justice, and housing,” Loachamin commented.

During her first term, Loachamin led a months-long process of direct community engagement and deep listening to under the needs of community members. She utilized this type of engagement process when deciding where to allocate the $63.3 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding throughout the county. 

“This is the most engagement that we have seen in Longmont from Boulder County staff in sharing the programs and resources while building relationships with residents and community partners, thanks to Marta’s leadership," said resident and community leader Carmen Ramirez.

Loachmin — a former real estate agent, public school teacher and consultant — has used her experience to assist families to become first time home buyers. Throughout her career she has seen the gaps in accessible housing. While she knows this topic will not be resolved during her term, she wants to continue making strides as she did in bringing in the Willoughby Corner project and allocating ARPA funds to Habitat for Humanity.

If elected, Loachamin hopes to continue working on gun violence prevention, racial equity, affordable housing, climate action and community engagement, a news release from Loachamin’s campaign stated.