This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Hello Longmont,
We just wanted to take a few minutes to update you on our latest news.
A few months ago we launched our Longmont Observer Job Board. It is still new and we are still getting the word out. If you would like to post a job, it is free to do so. Simply click here and fill in the online form.
Due to recent staff schedule changes, the Longmont Observer open to the public staff meetings are moving from Monday nights to Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are held in our office located at 356 1/2 Main St. Unit 6. Feel free to drop in, say hello, and see some of the behind the scenes of your local newsroom.
The weather is turning warmer and there is much more to do in Longmont. If you or your organization have an event to share please visit our Submit Your Event page. Events can be viewed here or seen in our weekly Things To Do This Weekend in Longmont articles that publish at noon on Fridays.
Do you have an opinion you wish to share? All opinions that meet the prescribed guidelines are published by the Longmont Observer. Your voice is important as we are a platform to help you share it.
Thank you all for your support and for reading the Longmont Observer's news. If you value the news we produce, please consider becoming a member or a business member.