This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
A library that loans out only books? How very quaint!
As libraries continue to evolve to answer the needs of their communities, the types of materials they offer on loan has grown dramatically, and the Longmont Public Library is no exception.
Joining the likes of Experience Bags and Discovery Passes is a new “Library of Things” collection – a group of useful items that may be borrowed by anyone with a Longmont Public Library card.
Need a WiFi hotspot to do homework or research at home? We have four. Dabbling in music and want to see if the ukulele is a good fit? We’ve got ‘em! Need a projector for that upcoming HOA meeting? Stop by and borrow one of ours. We also have telescopes, DVD/Blu-ray players, and GoPro cameras to loan. All for free with just your library card, thanks to generous funding from the Friends of the Longmont Library.
And that’s just the beginning – we plan to add more to this collection over time, so let us know what you’d like to borrow.
Of course, there are rules, and they can be found on the new Library of Things webpage, along with a button link to reserve the item of your choice. So, take a look, try it out, and be sure to let us know what you think.