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Longmont City Council to Vote on Three Ordinances Tonight

Longmont City Council will be voting on three ordinances tonight .
Council meeting
December 5, 2017 City Council Meeting (Sergio R. Angeles / Longmont Observer)

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Longmont City Council will be voting on three ordinances tonight. If you are for or against any of these ordinances and would like your voice to be heard, please come to the city council meeting tonight at 7 pm and speak during public invited to be heard.

O-2018-01, A Bill For An Ordinance Authorizing The City Of Longmont To Lease The Real Property Known As Vance Brand Municipal Airport Hangar Parcel H-16 (The Premises) To General Hangars Corporation (Tenant)

The current lease for Hanger Parcel H-16 is expiring and the General Hangars Corporation (tenant) would like to renew their lease. Approving the lease would increase the airport fund by an additional $5,483. According to city council communication, "this lease will bring the value of the lease up to the current market rate for land lease for hangars."

O-2018-02, A Bill For An Ordinance Making Additional Appropriations For Expenses And Liabilities Of The City Of Longmont For The Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2018

Approving the ordinance would appropriate the public safety tax increase, an additional $5,036,854, and bring the total 2018 budget to $320,268,593. The public safety tax was approved by voters on November 7, 2017.

O-2018-03, A Bill For An Ordinance Authorizing The City Of Longmont To Lease The Real Property Known As Vance Brand Municipal Airport Hangar Parcel H-33A (The Premises) To Chad Welch (Tenant)

Since the previous tenant, William Nettleblad, sold the hangar to Chad Welch, the new tenant, city council will need to terminate the previous lease and approve a new one. The term of the lease will be for 20 years and the Lessee will pay the city an annual sum of $1,602.05.