This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
On Tuesday, September 24, the Longmont City Council voted unanimously to approve the 2019 Wildlife Management Plan Update.
The Wildlife Management Plan was first adopted in 2006 as a means to "preserve existing wildlife habitats, improve degraded habitats, promote the coexistence of wildlife and human activities, and ensure that Longmont’s high quality of life was maintained for its residents," according to council communication.
Challenges and opportunities were identified while the City of Longmont examined and adopted the Envision Longmont and Sustainability Plans, which prompted the City to update the Wildlife Management Plan.
The updates to the Wildlife Management Plan outlines strategies and practices the City plans to address to meet the needs of Longmont and to advance the City's goals and policies regarding wildlife.
The updated plan is a recommendation to staff, who will then draft ordinances that will change the City Code to reflect the policies as outlined in the document above.
The City is working on a series of plans that will work together, such as the SES (Sustainability Evaluation System). "The SES will be applicable to developments within and adjacent to the riparian areas and waterways identified in the wildlife management plan," according to council communication.
The City is taking all of these plans into account simultaneously towards a better Longmont.