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Limited Spots Still Available for Longmont’s Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program on March 15

Young anglers in Longmont have a chance to learn fishing skills and take home a free rod and reel at the Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program, returning to the Izaak Walton Nature Area on March 15.
Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program – Izaak Walton Nature Area
Chick Clark Kids' Fishing Program; Izaak Walton Nature Area

Limited spots are still available for children ages 15 for Chick Clark Kids’ Fishing Program, which will return to the Izaak Walton Nature Area on March 15. The program, which is hosted by the City of Longmont’s Parks and Natural Resources Division, the nonprofit Kids Fishing, Inc., and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, is a place for children to learn and practice how to catch fish. 


The program will include three educational sessions focused on fish identification and biology, knot tying, and casting techniques. Children who complete all three sessions will receive a free rod and reel. 


Izaak Walton Pond will be fully stocked with fish by Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the City of Longmont prior to the event, and children who catch fish are allowed to keep what they catch up to the state limit for each species. The 15.7-acre pond is managed as a recreational fishery for the exclusive use of children ages 15 and younger. 


Registration is free and the event will also have free hot dogs for kids. Children who do not preregister may still participate in the event, but it is not guaranteed that they will receive a free rod and reel.


The event will go from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The program is funded through private donations by Longmont businesses and nonprofits and run by volunteers of Kids’ Fishing Inc., Trout Unlimited, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and Longmont Breakfast Optimists.