This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
The Longmont Observer has put together an interactive map that displays the 135 [reported] traffic accidents that occurred in Longmont, CO throughout the month of June 2017. The data used for the map was taken from Longmont police reports that the Longmont Observer obtains on a daily basis.
To use the interactive map, simply hover over the 'red dots' to see more information about the traffic accident. To filter the data, you can use the 'sliders' on the right side of the map. Currently you can filter based on traffic accident date, number of people injured, and number of cars involved in the traffic accident. You can also zoom in and out of the map by using the respective symbols. Please note that the map is best viewed on a desktop, tablet, or landscape mode on a mobile device.
If you'd like to access the data sheet the Longmont Observer created, you can download the June-Traffic Accidents-LongmontXLSX; we simply ask that you comply with our Creative Commons license and attribute the data source to Longmont Observer.