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Introducing The Leader's reporter, Monte Whaley

I was fortunate to join a hard-working, savvy and dedicated staff. We all believe we can make a difference by delivering local news that Longmonters these days deserve and crave.
Monte Whaley
Photo by Rick Brennan

A long time ago I took a job as a reporter with the Longmont Daily Times-Call, then under the ownership of the Lehman family. I worked first as a sportswriter under Sports Editor Jim Pedley and then under City Editor Curt Anderson. I learned to write quickly, concisely and under deadline pressure. I wrote stories about El Comite, the problematic stench coming from the Longmont Foods turkey plant and the community's plans for Cheaper Charlie's shed, located at Ninth and Hover. I contacted sources daily including then-Mayor Fred Wilson, St. Vrain Valley School’s Superintendent Keith Blue and Boulder County Commissioner Ron Stewart. I eventually left the TC for other journalistic endeavors, including the Denver Post. But after 18 years, the Post and I broke up and we went our separate ways in 2019.

I stumbled around a bit looking for a new way to make a living, swearing off newswriting forever. I held fast to my conviction I would never be dragged into the daily grind of journalism.

Then I saw an opportunity at the newly minted Longmont Leader, a daily online newspaper started by two corporate titans absolutely bent on reviving local community journalism. I couldn't resist. I missed the rush of deadline and the idea that one of my stories could actually spur someone to action, even change things for the better. Or my story could enrage someone. Or cause them to chuckle a bit.

It didn't matter to me. I wanted in.

I was fortunate to join a hard-working, savvy and dedicated staff. We all believe we can make a difference by delivering local news that Longmonters these days deserve and crave.