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Exploring Longmont’s Sugar Mill Factory: A Look Inside the Historic Site Before Last Night’s Fire

A fire broke out overnight at Longmont’s historic sugar mill, a landmark with deep ties to the city’s industrial past — here’s a look inside the iconic structure, originally posted by the Longmont Observer in May 2017.
LSM-credit-Shutter Mafia Studios

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Have you ever wondered what was inside that huge abandoned sugar mill on the East side of Longmont?  So have we.  Since it's private property and, frankly, dangerous, we never thought we'd ever get a look inside and forgot about it years ago.

However, we recently found a very interesting video made by a user named ShutterMafia on YouTube and thought we'd share it with you so you could scratch that 'what's IN that place' itch.

Please note: some NSFW (Not Safe For Work) language.

credit-Shutter Mafia Studios.  You can find his YouTube channel here:

A little history:  The Longmont Sugar Company, also known as the great Western Sugar Company, was incorporated in 1905 and for about 60 years was the main producer of beet sugar for Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska.  It was a big part of local economy for decades.  I was abandoned in 1977.

If you're interested in a little more in-depth history of the Old Sugar Mill, as well as more pictures of the exterior and interior, the folks over at Substreet did an excellent write up a couple of years ago.  You can check it out here:

You can find out more about the company behind the building here:

From the video's creator:

urban exploration of: sugar mill road, longmont, colorado!

this place is amazing!!!!!


this place is dangerous in a lot of ways. the holes. the brick wall that will kill you

that is ready to collapse. the asbestos, ect etc.

at night you can multiply the die factor by at least a 100.

it is illegal. i think to be there. the owners can shoot at you.

if anyone dies in there please do not blame me. this is my disclaimer. peace.

ps. i went in here to take still photos and this is some of the video i took while i was in there.

i was on an "abandoned northern colorado" type of photo mission and toured alot of places.

the cement plant in laramie is awesome! i have photos and video of all of them.

thanks for watching. and be careful if you go near any of these places. research!!!!

Longmont Observer agree's with the video creators assessment that places like this are dangerous and you should not, under any circumstances, try to do any urban exploration on this particular property.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.