Friends of the Longmont Library, or FLL, is a non-profit program dedicated to supporting the Longmont Library and the various programs it offers to members of the Longmont community with dollars raised though a fundraising event. For the first time since COVID-19 hit, causing various events to be cancelled, FLL is finally able to start helping the library again.
According to FLL Board Member Sharon McCaffrey, FLL funding for the library goes toward the ongoing maintenance of the library sign by its east entrance, software and hardware for Chromebooks which library patrons can borrow, guest speakers who attend library events, helping a program which digitizes local newspapers and more.
Among McCaffrey’s favorite programs that FLL helps fund are the library’s summer youth reading programs and the Discovery Pass program, she said, which enables library patrons to get free passes to more than a dozen events and attractions in the area such as the Longmont Symphony Orchestra or the Butterfly Pavilion.
In past years, FLL has organized a quarterly book sale at the library where locals can donate books to be sold and later shop for new ones during the event.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the library’s operations were put on pause and FLL wasn’t able to organize the book sales they rely on to raise funds.
“The inability to sell books, either from the perpetual bookshop in the library lobby or through the larger books sales definitely affects the Friends’ bottom line and reserves,” Library Director Nancy Kerr said. “(Seeing) as the library does not have a separate programming budget, we rely heavily on the Friends as we open back up to once again be able to fund and provide programs for adults, teens, and children.”
For FLL members including McCaffrey, “we really felt bad we couldn’t continue to raise money for the library (during the pandemic),” she said. “The library continued to have needs but we couldn’t help them out.”
This month, FLL is hosting the first of its book sale events since the beginning of the pandemic from Nov. 18-21.
According to McCaffrey, people can donate books to be sold in the book sale anytime at the library’s east entrance or from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday mornings. FLL can’t accept VHS or cassette tapes or magazines, she said.
The book sale will kick off from 4-7:30 p.m. on November 18 during a special event for Longmont Library members. “If you’re not sure if you’re a member, come during these hours and renew your membership or join,” FLL’s event flyer states.
The book sale will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 19 and 20. A buy one get one free sale is scheduled for Nov. 20.
The 2021 FLL book sale will come to a close on Nov. 21 after being open from 1 to 4 p.m. for the public to come fill Target bags with books at the cost of only $5 per bag.
The book sale will take place in conference rooms located on the west side of the library. As per Longmont Library policy, masks will be required inside the building during the event.
At the book sale, Longmont locals can shop between approximately 15,000 books FLL expects will be available for purchase, McCaffrey said, with prices for books ranging between $3 for hardbacks to 50 cents for small paperbacks.
The book sale will feature an extensive variety of titles, catering to people of all ages and interests. Genres will include adult and teenage fiction and non-fiction, personal interest categories including cooking, gardening and DIY books, biography and autobiography, religion and travel. Children’s books will also be available.
For McCaffrey, the 2021 book sale event will mark the reunification of community members, the Longmont Library and FLL.
“We’re very enthusiastic (about the event) and we’re hoping the community will be as well,” she said. “We’re hoping that people will take advantage of this and help us celebrate that we’re back.”