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Council considers sending $20 million bond issue to voters

Bank swallow fears
Construction on St Vrain Creek (3 of 3)
Construction work at St Vrain Creek, part of Longmont's Izaak Walton Reach 1 from Boston Ave Bridge

The City Council Tuesday night will be asked to approve a Nov. 8 ballot measure to issue $20 million in storm drainage revenue bonds to prevent flood damage along the St. Vrain Creek.

The bonds will finance the completion of the Resilient St. Vrain Project, according to a staff report. The RSVP was established after the 2013 flood to help protect property and people in the event of another catastrophic flood.

The issuance of $15 to $20 million in revenue bonds is supported by the city’s financial plan presented to the council in 2021, including a three-year schedule of rates adopted for 2022 to 2024. The city previously considered a $15 million bond sale, according to a staff report.

However, “due to macroeconomic conditions,” authorization of up to $20 million is recommended to cover potential cost increases, the staff report states.

Some residents are worried that the flood control project will damage the habitat of the bank swallow, which nests along the St. Vrain Creek during the summer.