On Tuesday night, the Longmont City Council welcomed newly elected Diane Crist among its ranks. Crist won the Ward I seat in the 2023 election, previously held by Tim Waters.
Crist is new to the city council although she ran for the at-large seat in 2021. She has served on the Longmont Transportation Advisory Board since 2021.
Crist campaigned with a “try it before we buy it” approach to government capital projects. She proposed utilizing existing and vacated buildings in Longmont turning them into a temporary rec center and library.
Crist was sworn in as the newly elected Ward I representative on Tuesday night. Sean McCoy (at-large seat), Susie Hildago-Fahring (Ward III) seat and Joan Peck (mayor) were also sworn in, all of whom retained their previous positions on the council.
The councilors nominated Aren Rodriguez, Hidalgo-Fahring and McCoy for the potion of Mayor Pro Tem. The newly formed council selected Hidalgo-Farhring as Mayor Pro Tem by secret ballot. The vote tied in the first round. Hidalgo-Fahring won 4-3 in the second round of voting.
The Longmont City Council calendar for the next year was also voted on. The council decided to hold two regular meetings and one study session meeting each month. The council decided to keep pre-sessions to allow them time to talk amongst themselves prior to meetings.
The council also chose to host two Open Forums in 2024. Open Forums are meetings in which the public brings their concerns before the council. With the first taking place on Jan. 30 and the second taking place on July 30.