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Boulder County to align with state mask order, move to Level Clear

Masks will continue to be required in schools, childcare, and indoor children’s camps
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Boulder County Public Health 


Boulder County, CO - Boulder County will largely align with the state’s updates to its mask order, although masks will continue to be required in schools, childcare, and indoor children’s camps until the end of the school year in the same manner they have been.  Even if not required under the new order, businesses may continue to require its employees, staffs, or customers to wear masks. 

On Sunday, May 16, Boulder County will move into Level Clear on the simplified county dial, Public Health Order 2021-04. Under Level Clear, the county will enter a 90-day observation period during which businesses will be able to operate at 100 percent capacity with no additional local restrictions.  The State of Colorado and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) are expected to continue some requirements related to larger gatherings.

The move to Level Clear and alignment with the state mask order is part of a Metro Denver regional approach to phase into a full reopening as safely as possible while efforts continue to help more residents get vaccinated against COVID-19.

 “We understand that changing guidance from the federal and state government on mask guidance is creating stress for those on different sides of these issues. We ask that people be kind and treat each other with respect and do not contribute to the collective trauma that COVID has caused the community,” said Lexi Nolen, Boulder County Public Health acting executive director. “We remain concerned about the unnecessary cases, hospitalizations and deaths that may result from the changing guidelines, and Boulder County Public Health continues to recommend the use of masks, social distancing and other preventive measures for the unvaccinated, especially indoors.”

While capacity limits and mitigation requirements will go away in Level Clear, Boulder County will closely monitor new hospitalizations of individuals with COVID-19 for 90 days and if needed, will reapply capacity limits and mitigation requirements based on hospitalization rates. To remain at Level Clear, new hospital admissions for COVID-19 must stay below an average of two per day per 100,000 residents for seven consecutive days as observed over a 14-day period.

“To remain in Level Clear and fully open, we need everyone to get vaccinated, especially young age groups, where we have seen increased numbers of cases,” Nolen added.  “Now that the vaccine is approved for 12+, we encourage everyone who is now eligible to get vaccinated as soon as they can. There are many COVID-19 vaccine providers and special clinics in Boulder County. Together we can control this virus and protect our loved ones.”

Anyone with questions regarding the mask order Level Clear capacities can contact the Boulder County Call Center at 720-776-0822 or view the COVID-19 information on BCPH’s website at

Level Clear, Observation Period, May 16 – Aug. 16 (90 days):

  • Based on hospital admission rate of County residents, Boulder County will move to Level Clear.
  • Hospitalizations must stay at 0-2 hospital admissions per 100,000 residents for seven consecutive days over a 14-day period.
  • View current hospital admission rates in Colorado by county.
  • If hospital admissions exceed the rate over a seven-day period, Boulder County will move to a more protective level and apply level restrictions according to the hospitalization rate.
  • The state is renewing the 500+ limit indoors until June 1.  After this date, Level Clear may not have any capacity restrictions or mandatory mitigation requirements for businesses or gatherings.
  • Masks may still be required under local order.