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Boulder County officially lifts mask order

Today, Boulder County updated the countywide mask order to better match Colorado guidelines. Boulder County no longer requires that fully vaccinated individuals wear facial coverings in public indoor spaces, with some exceptions.

Today, Boulder County updated the countywide mask order to better match Colorado guidelines. The order will extend until June 10. 

"While the state mask order expire will be lifted for all indoor facilities beginning June 1, masks in Boulder County for those facilities mentioned above will still be required through June 10," according to a Boulder County news release. 

Boulder County no longer requires that fully vaccinated individuals wear facial coverings in public indoor spaces, with some exceptions.

Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Indoor settings which still require masks include healthcare facilities, schools, childcare facilities, camps, congregate care facilities, public transportation and “when 100 or more unvaccinated people or individuals of unknown status are in a room located in a Public Indoor Space, as required by CDPHE PHO 20-38, as Amended,” according to Boulder County Public Health, or BCPH.

Although the guidelines have changed, the county still encourages businesses and organizations to continue mask-wearing in public indoor spaces. 

Businesses and organizations can still ask patrons to continue to wear masks unless they “indicate they are vaccinated,” according to BCPH. BCPH urges businesses to consider keeping mask mandates until 80% of Boulder County residents are vaccinated. 

The most recent numbers from Boulder County report that 66.4% of eligible residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine. Nearly 56% of the county has been fully immunized.

BCPH also recommends that unvaccinated staff continue to wear masks. 

The county has also provided local businesses with downloadable posters to post for the public. One of the posters indicates the staff is fully vaccinated and lets the public know that is why the staff is not wearing a mask.

“As per CDC’s guidance, if people are fully vaccinated, they may largely resume normal life without masks or social distancing,” said Lexi Nolen Boulder County Public Health acting executive director.  “If they are unable to or have not yet received a vaccine, we recommend they continue to practice physical distancing of six feet, handwashing and wearing a mask whenever near members of other households who are not fully vaccinated.”