On April 1, an April Fool’s Day parade will take place in downtown Longmont. The parade is the Fifth Annual Absolutely Absurd April Fool’s Day Parade, organized by Longmont nonprofit Left Hand Artist Group.
The parade will consist of residents marching in lightly-colored, “absurd” costumes, according to Left Hand Artist Group’s president, Linda Cranston. She said that people in the parade will use noise makers, bang on drums, strum ukuleles, and play kazoos.
In previous years, participants have walked in the parade with festively-decorated and dressed pets, and “outrageous things” are always expected to appear in the parade. Anyone can participate and walk in the parade, including children and dogs.
The parade organizer, Left Hand Artist Group, is a “creative collective dedicated to building a community of arts, music and friendship.” The organization was founded in 2013 to connect artists with venues and host events to support local nonprofits. It became a nonprofit in 2021.
The parade will begin from the Longmont Senior Center, located in Roosevelt Park. Parade participants are asked to meet at the senior center at 5:47 p.m. and the parade is expected to start at around 6:18 p.m. The parade usually lasts for about one hour.