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Longmont's NextLight Gigabit Internet Declares Its Net Neutrality Stance

Longmont's NextLight Gigabit Internet service recently 'formalized' it's policy on Net Neutrality.
Source: Pixabay CC0 (Free, no attribution required) license.

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Longmont's NextLight Gigabit Internet service recently 'formalized' it's policy on Net Neutrality.

When the Longmont Observer initially asked Tom Roiniotis, the Director of Longmont's LPC division, back in July of 2017, what it's Net Neutrality stance was, this is the response we received:

“This statement has been online within our Terms and Conditions for a few years now: 4.4 Under federal law, Customer has the right to confidentiality, and LPC has a duty to protect and keep confidential information about the amount, type, and destination of Customer’s Digital Voice Service (CPNI) and internet usage. Customer’s personal and usage information is not public and will not be released except to satisfy laws, regulations, or other governmental or legal requirements or requests, to operate the services properly, or to protect itself and its subscribers.”

In light of the FCC's recent actions regarding Net Neutrality rules, its revoking of those rules and related federal laws and the Longmont City Council's request to LPC on its current official policies regarding Net Neutrality, Nextlight issued these comments to the city council:

"Regardless of any changes in federal regulations, our first commitment remains to you — our owners — and to continuing the excellent internet service you've come to expect. Specifically:

"1) We do not play favorites and we will not throttle your speed. We do not create 'fast lanes' and 'slow lane' for users or services based on paid prioritization. All our customers will be able to harness the power of the NextLight internet service to the fullest extent that their equipment and our terms and conditions allow.

"2) We will be transparent in our commitment to you. Our policies, like our rates, will be clearly presented with no surprises."

NextLights full policy statements are on their LPC website and can be viewed by clicking here.