This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Nothing is official about the removal of the 6th and Main Sav-O-Mat with only a pre-application meeting in the process for this site.
The gas pumps have been removed from the property, and except for odds and ends, the building remains empty, and the lot barren.
The description of the proposal that was provided for the pre-application meeting is:
"Removal of existing Gas Station and Dairy Queen for new 2-story mixed use commercial retail and office development. The first floor will house an ANB Bank branch on the corner and in-line retail. The second floor will be leased multi-tenant office space."
The Sav-O-Mat was built in 1967 and had been used as a service station for around half a century. The Dairy Queen at 616 Main St opened in 1949 and is the oldest eating establishment in Longmont.
There has not been a formal application yet and there are no permits involved with this site at this point, so up until now no official projects are in the works.