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Ballots have been received and please consider a vote for Tara Menza, candidate for HD11. Tara is committed to working to reduce inflation, crime, homelessness, and teenage suicide, all at alarming rates in Colorado.
Tara has promised if elected to work with both sides of the aisle and to propose compromises to ensure our legislature will work for their constituents. Tara's passion is education, and as a mother of 6, substitute teacher, small business owner with her husband and community leader she will use her experience in all these areas to ensure our children are receiving a quality education.
We need change, with Colorado having one of the highest rates of inflation, teenage suicide, car and catalytic thefts, crime and fentanyl deaths, something isn't working with our government. We need new leadership, and I am confident Tara will bring positive changes and energy to both sides of the aisle.
I have knocked on many doors campaigning for Tara, and that is what I have heard-"it's not working, I can't afford to live here, I am afraid to let my children go to the park."
Vote Tara Menza for HD11
Mary Ellen ORell