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LTE: Time for a change in District 19

We need politicians who will roll up their sleeves and finally get the work done!

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It’s about time we kicked Stone Age politicians like Dan Woog out of House District 19! Jennifer Parenti will be a great addition to our Colorado democracy, because she is an advocate for clean energy, homelessness, the LGBTQ+ community, reproductive healthcare, and voting rights.

She knows that we must enact stronger policies on clean energy. “We need to start aggressively exploiting the two sources of energy we are never in short supply of here in District 19: sunshine and wind with massive investment that will provide additional sources of jobs, income and energy for our community,” said Parenti, in an interview with the Daily Camera.

Republicans like Dan Woog, spittle about “energy choice” as an excuse to allow fossil companies destroy our planet.

We need politicians like Jennifer Parenti, who will roll up their sleeves and finally get the work done!