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Letter: Providing Free School Lunches in Colorado Supports Students Like Mine

“I’ve been an educator for 10 years and I have seen first hand the impact that hunger can have on kids’ ability to pay attention, to learn, and to reach their potential.”

I’m writing this letter in response to “Colorado Lawmakers Advance Bill to Fully Fund Free School Meals Program,” about Colorado’s Healthy School Meals for All program. This program ensures that every student has access to the food they need. With rising costs, many families in our state are struggling to get by. That has only increased the need and importance of initiatives like this one that not only help to keep kids fed, but also saves families money.


I’ve been an educator for 10 years and I have seen firsthand the impact that hunger can have on kids’ ability to pay attention, to learn, and to reach their potential. The high school where I work has a vibrant mix of students, but one thing they all have in common is that having access to a fresh and nutritious lunch is crucial to their ability to grow, succeed, and thrive.


Right now, the legislature is considering House Bill 25-1274. This legislation would make sure this program is fully funded to keep kids fed. It would also help to phase in a program to support stipends and wage boosts for the cafeteria staff who work so hard to prepare school meals.


Research affirms what I already know from my day to day experiences, students perform better academically, behaviorally, and emotionally if they have the food they need during the school day. I hope you will join me in urging our state lawmakers to support this important bill. It is an investment in our kids, our schools, and our communities.



Pablo Rivera, educator at Denver South High School